Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Both motivation and productivity concepts have a number of definitions stated by several researchers and authors. It is worth finding out what these approaches are really describing (Goundar, Sam. 2012). The term motivation means it is a way and method in which an individual or group wise inspired to behave in a predetermined or desired methodology with an expectation some satisfy specific human needs as well as receive some affirmative rewards. As we discussed earlier all people wouldn’t be motivated by the same motivation factor. On the other hand, the term productivity defines the optimal utilization of resources in the production of goods and rendering of services that meet predetermined objectives. Basically, the connection between motivation and productivity is inverse. That means if the motivated employees’ performance’s outcome is very high (Uka, Ana & Prendi, Ardita. 2021). On the other hand demotivated employees’ are exhibiting underperforming which can directly influence it day to day operations and ultimately would be a barrier to achieving their final goals and objectives. Human resources play a vital role because they are the source of providing ideas, perceptions and security should be in today’s competitive business world.

Human resources are the guarantee for providing for the workers because highly motivated humans the maintenance and survival of every organization, one of the main concerns of managers is having every developed country, formulating and maintaining highly motivated human resources, According to Singh, et al. (2012), without accepting the existing state of affairs and have moved from obedience to enquiring and who assess work in terms of its significance in human life and human nature (Dupré, John. 2003).

Meanwhile, productivity in the studies of Honari (2006) revealed that motivation for the maximum use of physical and human resources recommends determination and dynamicity in every organization way that it grounds the enhancement in prices, and market, and there is an important relationship between the job opportunities and commonwealth. In the other words, motivating factors such as welfare, wage, and work circumstance highly affecting for increasing the productivity of human resources is another aspect of and nature of work with increasing the degree of quality and quantity of products which are a result of productivity of personnel (Thuy, Tran & Nhung, Bích. 2018). 

It is debated that motivation is the key to economic recovery in the country (Aremu, 2017). A review of theories and empirical evidence on the central issues at stake on how to boost motivation, therefore, becomes timely. Most importantly when considering to Sri Lankan Organizational context it was noticeable that the lower-level of employees’ requirements fulfil in different ways and higher-level employees’ requirements would be fulfilled in other ways (Velnampy, 2007). Further, this survey illustrated that both lower-level and higher-level employees have different motives to drive this situation Maslow tried to explain this through his model.  In addition, there are schemes that emphasize pro-social behavior (such as communication skills, teamwork, etc.) and those that concentrate on direct profits to organizational performance (like improvement and customer satisfaction). The Management of an organization can design, implement and maintain schemes like “Efficient Staff of the Year”, and “Department of the Year”, lunch or dinner. The winner can be gifted with a medal, a certificate and even a token cash award. Closely connected with this is to offer your workers a fine reputation to live (Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena. 2019).

Benefits of Motivation to an organization 

Motivated employees drive the organization to achieve its set objectives of the organization. Burlea mentioned some actions can be taken towards behalf of motivation like a competitive salary or promotion, provided that assembling offices and acquiring modern work technologies also Burlea reminding that not all always to motivate can produce permanent, long-standing effects (Burlea-Schiopoiu, 2013).

Additionally, the HR department can arrange training courses that can effectively enhance individual competencies. Also most of the time this method is suitable for knowledge base companies and ultimately can be effecting to organizational context by increasing the client base revenue and profit. All-time motivated behaviors can surprise the organization as it can drive the person and convert the person into a hard worker even if it is not required by the management. Also, Park and Word (2012) described the affirmative connection between motivation and Performance in the organizational context Perception is also influenced. On the other hand employee perceptions and reactions to performance appraisal and the assessment, a method that has an important influence on performance enrichment. (Dusterhoff et al., 2014).


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  4. Dupré, John. (2003). Human Nature and the Limits of Science. 10.1093/0199248060.001.0001.
  5. Dusterhoff, C., Cunningham, J.B. and MacGregor, J.N., 2014. The effects of performance rating, leader–member exchange, perceived utility, and organizational justice on performance appraisal satisfaction: Applying a moral judgment perspective. Journal of business ethics119(2), pp.265-273.
  6. Goundar, Sam. (2012). Chapter 3 - Research Methodology and Research Method.
  7. Honari, H., Rezaian, A., KOUZEHCHIAN, H. and Ehsani, M., 2006. The relationship between motivation and productivity of human resources in Iran physical education organization.
  8. Locke, E.A. and Latham, G.P., 2013. Goal Setting Theory, 1990 Gary P. Latham and Edwin A. Locke. In New developments in goal setting and task performance (pp. 27-39). Routledge.
  9. Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena. (2019). Manager's Role and Skills in Design Management in the Organization. Journal of Positive Management. 10. 3-17. 10.12775/JPM.2019.014.
  10. Thuy, Tran & Nhung, Bích. (2018). Factors affecting work motivation of office workers - a study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Business & IT. VIII. 2-13. 10.14311/bit.2018.02.01.
  11. Uka, Ana & Prendi, Ardita. (2021). Motivation as an indicator of performance and productivity from the perspective of employees. Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society. 16. 268-285. 10.2478/mmcks-2021-0016. 
  12. Velnampy, T., 2007. Factors influencing motivation: an empirical study of few selected Sri Lankan organizations.


  1. Good article Manomi, Furthermore, The success of every business organization depends fundamentally on the motivation of the employees. In basic terms, motivation is an inner drive that compels behavior. Employee motivation begins with understanding that within every human being, there is an inner drive that compels behavior. (Incentivequotes, 2010).In other words, everyone has motivation. Human resources are essential to the triumph, efficiency and performance of any company. Motivation provides an environment where employee optimal performance is possible. Perhaps the most significant impact of increased employee motivation is that of increased productivity. (Ezinearticle, 2010)

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Rayan. Also according to Tangen (2002), the concept of productivity has been a subject of inquiry among intellectuals for over two centuries before now and has been applied in many different circumstances on various levels of aggregation in the economic system.

  2. Good article Manomi. Furthermore motivation is one of the key concepts in the success of organizational and business performance. Indeed, the concept of motivation is seen as one of the factors affecting the success of organizations and employees: it impacts employee's willingness, productivity, active work influence and the desire of employees to achieve business success (Gök, 2009). In addition, managers can motivate employees and thereby help them to realize their potential, and in this way, employees can use all their capable talents and skills to benefit both themselves and the organization (Subba Rao, 2010).

    1. Thanks for your comment Vidura. The word ‘motivation’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Movere’ which means ‘to move (Luthans, 2002). According to the Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary (2006), motivation is the element that propels a person to do something or behaves in a particular way.

  3. Interesting Article Manomi. furthermore, Additional research demonstrates that an employee's conduct when it comes to knowledge sharing among coworkers is unaffected by winning rewards from the company. Internally driven people, however, are more inclined to impart their expertise, perspectives, and intentions in an effort to improve the working environment (Lin, 2007).

  4. Agreed with you Manomi. Furthermore, Employee motivation and performance are positively associated. This suggests that if workers are motivated, their performance will undoubtedly improve. The degree of education, training and past research experience all serve to mitigate the positive link between motivation and performance (Baldoni, 2005)

  5. I agree with your points. Technically, it could be said that productivity has been the long run aim of every work organization, from the smallest to the largest work organization; the zeal to be productive is supposed to be the goal of all and sundry in the work organization. As it is, because it has been realized that no work organization could survive without the productivity of its members, then productivity has been one of the major areas of study in many disciplines such as Business administration, Economics, Public Administration, Industrial relations and so on (French 2003)

  6. Agreed for the content Manomi. The management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. To understand the critical importance of people in the organization is to recognize that the human
    element and the organization are synonymous. An well-managed organization usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and productivity gains. Such organizations do not look to capital investment, but to employees, as the fundamental source of improvement (Ayeni & Popoola, 2022).

    1. Thanks for the comment. Also, What makes the employees of any organization go the extra mile‖ to provide excellent service. The answer to this question is in this self-conducted research paper and it is motivation. Motivation is actually a combination of factors that operate within each individual and requires a combination of approaches. (Alhaji Umar Lawal Aliyu, 2019)

  7. Agreed on content. The topic of motivation is discussed in the subject of organizational behavior which has a distinctive featuring of models and theories pertain to motivation. Development and growth of employees are significantly focused. As for Maslow, Alderfer, McClelland, Hackman and Hertzberg; the growth is most influential and intrinsic motivator for individuals that exploit the potential of employees. It is found that an undeniable link exists among employee motivation and their satisfaction with the jobs and to organizational commitment (Basset-Jones and Lloyd, 2005; Chen et al., 2004).

    1. Thank you for your comment. Also, Technically, it could be said that productivity has been the long run aim of every work organization, from the smallest to the largest work organization; the zeal to be productive is supposed to be the goal of all and sundry in the work organization. As it is because it has been realized that no work organization could survive without the productivity of its members, then productivity has been one of the major areas of study in many disciplines such as Business administration, Economics, Public Administration, Industrial relations, and so on (French 2003).

  8. While fully agreeing with your points, further the motivation here we mean the way and manner in which an individual or group of individuals are inspired to behave in a desired manner. This is with a view to receiving some positive rewards or satisfying certain human needs. To be motivated is to do something which is different; to be inspired to go beyond the call of duty. That is to do more than you have to do not because you are told to but because you want to. The concept of productivity is one of the most fashionable and frequently used concepts in management today. Achieving predetermined objectives through the optimal utilization of resources in the production of goods and rendering of services is an example of this concept (Bawa,2017)

    1. Thank you for your comment, The concept of productivity has been a subject of inquiry among intellectuals for over two centuries before now and has been applied in many different circumstances on various levels of aggregation in the economic system. It is argued that productivity is one of the basic variables governing economic production activities and perhaps the most important one. (Tangen, 2002)

  9. Great post Manomi. agreed with the content. further, The impact of motivation on performance is favorable. The findings indicate that motivation plays a supporting role in both public and private organizations, particularly when it comes to enhancing performance. According to empirical evidence, motivation has an impact on performance directly. This is based on the link between motivation and performance. The results of this study are consistent with a number of earlier studies that have demonstrated in the past that employee performance is significantly influenced by motivation, both directly and indirectly (Elvina and Chao, 2019)

    1. Thank you Manoj. Also, Productivity is one of the most important elements of any work organization and any organization that is not optimally productive cannot withstand the test of time. It has been argued that productivity is one of the basic variables governing economic production activities and perhaps the most important one (Tangem, 2002)

  10. According to (Kumar and Singh, 2011), job satisfaction (or the lack thereof) depended on the employee’s perception of the degree to which his work delivers those things that he desires – how well outcomes are met or expectations perhaps even exceeded. Regardless of the actual circumstances and situation, job satisfaction is an emotional response that cannot be seen, only inferred. (Jehanzeb, Rasheed, Rasheed and Aamir, 2012), held a similar view, defined job satisfaction as “a sensation employees have about their work environment and their expectations toward work”. Depending on the rewards and incentives employees receive and management’s motives for giving them, employees will respond to their work environment by being productive (Badubi, 2021).



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